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The St. Croix Valley Music Teachers Association meets monthly, on the third Wednesday of the month. Our meetings are held at Bethel Lutheran Church in Hudson, starting at 9:00. All interested teachers are always welcome and encouraged to join us and attend any of these great presentations. They are wonderful professional development tools!
Meetings schedule for 2024-2025
8/21/24 - Kick-off meeting, Brickhouse Music
9/18/24 - ‘Studio Teaching: How To’s in Getting Started’ - members SCVMTA. We will be looking at starting a private studio, writing a studio policy, determining rates, parent interaction, finding students, etc. This meeting will be held at UWRF, choir room, 9:00
10/16/24 - ‘Teaching Composition & Composing for Media’ - Sam Ecoff, President, National Federation of Music, piano faculty member Waukesha Conservatory of Music. Sam is a well established composer, having composed for major media (Today Show, American Ninja Warriors, Dancing with the Stars, and more). As a composition teacher, Sam’s students often win composition competitions.
11/02/24 - SCVMTA at PianoFest, UWRF - Members will present on the studio teaching - more to follow
11/20/24 - Debrief, PianoFest
1/15/25 - WMTA 2025 Auditions - Cadence updates/training. Teresa Lindahl, WMTA District Chair, Mary Anne Olvera, Cadence
2/15/25 - Masterclass, Bethel Lutheran, downtown, Dr. Ivan Konev
2/19/25 - UWRF 9:00 meet, SCVMTA demo of available methods, and how to work with the younger student
(WMTA Auditions Final Entry - all forms due to Teresa Lindahl)
3/19/25 - In-House Roundtable Discussion, topic(s) tbd
4/16/25 - ‘Essentials of Sight-Reading’ - Jen Lohmann, CVMTA member, adjunct faculty UW-Stout
5/7/25 End of year meeting and potluck, Mary Anne Olvera, host, 664 Louise Lane